Midnight’s Third Child: Naeem Mohaiemen
Midnight’s Third Child: Naeem Mohaiemen

Exploring Bangladesh’s Artistic Landscape: A Journey via Midnight’s Third Child through Naeem Mohaiemen

In the vibrant tapestry of Bangladesh’s inventive panorama. Midnight’s Third Child emerges as a fascinating series of essays by Naeem Mohaiemen. Published by Nokta Arts in collaboration with ULAB Press and made accessible through the innovative platform Boobooks. This compilation delves into the intricate world of artists and art movements in Bangladesh. Inspired by the Bangla proverb “chagol’er tritiyo baccha lafay beshi” — translating to “the goat’s third child jumps more” — the book metaphorically suggests the youngest child’s pursuit of sustenance and clarity of purpose.

Themes Explored:

The book is thoughtfully divided into three thematic sections, each offering a unique lens through which readers can navigate the rich cultural terrain:

Sentry in the Attic:

The title draws inspiration from Akhtar Uzzaman Elias’s novel, setting the stage for a profound exploration of artistic expression. Mohaiemen carefully dissects the complexities of Elias’s work, unveiling layers of meaning that resonate with the broader artistic discourse in Bangladesh. The section becomes a contemplative space, inviting readers to reflect on the role of art as a sentry, guarding the attic of collective consciousness.

Land of a Thousand Pictures:

This segment unfolds as a visual odyssey, capturing the essence of Bangladesh through the lens of a thousand pictures. Mohaiemen guides readers through a mesmerizing journey, exploring the visual narratives that define the country’s identity. From traditional art forms to contemporary expressions. The section celebrates the diversity of artistic voices contributing to the evolving tapestry of Bangladesh.

Writing on the Wall:

In this thematic exploration, Mohaiemen delves into the power of words as potent instruments of cultural critique and commentary. The section unravels the narratives inscribed on the walls of Bangladesh, symbolizing the collective voices that resist, challenge, and reshape societal norms. Through this literary lens, the author prompts readers to consider the transformative potential of words in navigating the socio-political landscape.

The Stark Choice:

The introduction of “Midnight’s Third Child” presents readers with a poignant choice — the cultural work can either reinforce essentialist ideas that support hegemonic state mechanisms or challenge majoritarian views. Mohaiemen beckons readers to critically engage with the narratives presented. Urging them to be mindful of the impact cultural expressions can have on shaping societal perspectives.

Revolutionizing Book Access:

Facilitating the journey into the realms of “Midnight’s Third Child” is the groundbreaking platform Boobooks. As a reader-centric platform, Boobooks revolutionizes the book-receiving experience by engaging directly with readers, catering to their demands, and delivering books based on individual preferences. With the convenience of online ordering, the platform empowers readers to effortlessly find and order their desired books, transforming the way literature is accessed and enjoyed.


Midnight’s Third Child through Naeem Mohaiemen stands as a testimony to the dynamic and numerous creative panorama of Bangladesh. Through its thematic explorations and thought-frightening narratives. The collection offers readers a completely unique opportunity to immerse themselves inside the cultural tapestry of the Bangladesh. With the help of modern platforms like Boobooks. The book becomes no longer only a series of essays but a gateway to a transformative and personalized literary experience.

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