Philosophy Archives - Boobook Online Book shop Fri, 01 Mar 2024 17:39:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Philosophy Archives - Boobook 32 32 The Other National Cinema in Bangladesh Wed, 19 Apr 2023 09:26:51 +0000 It has been more than three decades now, that the alternative cinema began its formal journey here. This book argues that alternative cinema indeed sows the seed of national cinema in Bangladesh. It portrays the collective dream of the people, explores pristine history of the land, nurtures experiment with local visual sensitivities and asks questions that are relevant to the society, politics and philosophy of this delta. The book is a chronicle of this saga.


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The post The Other National Cinema in Bangladesh appeared first on Boobook.

Alternative Cinema aspires to represent National Cinema in Bangladesh. On the other hand, the problematic term “Art Cinema” is tagged on its forefront. How does this cinema of the margin balance the existence between these two paradoxical positions? It is more pertinent to ask if alternative cinema can be distinguished as a singular cinematic trait at this time of myriad possibilities in the film bazaar. It has been more than three decades now, that the alternative cinema began its formal journey here. The movement; initially in the form of collective activism and later more as a trend practiced by like-minded and not so like-minded individuals; strategized, wrangled, probed, provocated and survived. This book argues that alternative cinema indeed sows the seed of national cinema in Bangladesh. It portrays the collective dream of the people, explores pristine history of the land, nurtures experiment with local visual sensitivities and asks questions that are relevant to the society, politics and philosophy of this delta. The book is a chronicle of this saga.

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Midnight’s Third Child Wed, 19 Apr 2023 09:26:29 +0000 Midnight’s Third Child is an anthology of essays by Naeem Mohaiemen on artists and art movements in Bangladesh–with a focus on cinema, literature, and visual arts. “Midnight’s third child”  is inspired by the Bangla phrase: “chagol’er tritiyo baccha lafay beshi” (the goat’s third child jumps more). It is also Mohaiemen’s satirical response to the title of Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children (1981). The reference points to what was left out of postcolonial art history–the many fates of the geography of Bangladesh. Bangladesh existed under three signs– “East Bengal” under British India until 1947, “East Pakistan” under Two-Wing Pakistan until 1971, and “Bangladesh” after the liberation war of 1971. Given these movements, reversals, and renewals, the art history of Bangladesh remains contingent and fluid.

​বাংলাদেশের শিল্পী এবং শিল্প আন্দোলনের উপর নাঈম মোহা​য়মেনের প্রবন্ধের সংকলন​ ​"​মিডনাইটস থার্ড চাইল্ড​"​ – যেখানে সিনেমা, সাহিত্য এবং ​চারুকলা ​নিয়ে আলোচনা আছে। "মধ্যরাতের তৃতীয় সন্তান​" এই প্রবাদবাক্য দ্বারা অনুপ্রাণিত: "ছাগলের তৃতীয় বাচ্চা লাফায় বেশি​"​। ​বাক্যাংশটি সালমান রুশদির উপন্যাস ​"​মিডনাইটস চিলড্রেন​"​ (​১৯৮১) এর শিরোনামে​র প্রতি​ মোহায়মেনের ​হালকা ​ব্যঙ্গাত্মক প্রতিক্রিয়া।কথাটি  মনে করিয়ে দেয় উত্তর-ঔপনিবেশিক শৈল্পিক ইতিহাসের মূলধারা থেকে কী বাদ পড়েছিল – বাংলাদেশের ভূগোলের অনেক​গুলো​ ভাগ্য। বাংলাদেশ তিনটি চিহ্নের অধীনে ​গত এক শতাব্দিতে ​বিদ্যমান ছিল- ​১৯৪৭ সাল পর্যন্ত ব্রিটিশ ​উপনিবেশের অধীনে "পূর্ব বাংলা", ​১৯৭১ সাল পর্যন্ত ​দুই-উইং পাকিস্তানের অধীনে "পূর্ব পাকিস্তান", এবং মুক্তিযুদ্ধের প​রে​ "বাংলাদেশ"। আন্দোলন, ​বিপরীত স্রোত, এবং নবায়নের পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে বাংলাদেশের ​শিল্প​ধা​রা বরাবরই ছিল​ ​ঘটনা-প্রবাহিত এবং তরল।


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The post Midnight’s Third Child appeared first on Boobook.

Midnight’s Third Child is an anthology of essays by Naeem Mohaiemen on artists and art movements in Bangladesh–with a focus on cinema, literature, and visual arts. “Midnight’s third child”  is inspired by the Bangla phrase: “chagol’er tritiyo baccha lafay beshi” (the goat’s third child jumps more). It is also Mohaiemen’s satirical response to the title of Salman Rushdie’s novel Midnight’s Children (1981). The reference points to what was left out of postcolonial art history–the many fates of the geography of Bangladesh. Bangladesh existed under three signs– “East Bengal” under British India until 1947, “East Pakistan” under Two-Wing Pakistan until 1971, and “Bangladesh” after the liberation war of 1971. Given these movements, reversals, and renewals, the art history of Bangladesh remains contingent and fluid.


The post Midnight’s Third Child appeared first on Boobook.

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